Monday, December 22, 2014

Finding Your Passion


I was one of those people who wanted to do EVERYTHING when they grew up.  I wanted to be a fashion designer, a chef, a police officer, a nurse, an artist, a singer (but I couldn't sing), a doctor, a writer, etc.  I could go on for a while on all of the things I wanted to try or be, but those were dreams.  How was I going to figure out what I really wanted to be, or who I would become?  How would I do that while dealing with having Bipolar Disorder?  Would I ever figure it out?

I have gone from school to school trying to figure it all out, but always ending up at the same place: confused and lost.  I never truly felt like I fit into the mold that I kept trying to make for myself.  I had interest in a lot of things, but nothing seemed to stand out saying THIS is what you should spend your life doing. 

So, how do I figure out what I love, what I am passionate about?  I stopped to think, and there were several things that stood out to me:

1. I loved working with children.

2. I loved working with animals.

3. I absolutely LOVE art.

4. I like designing art.

5. I love selling my art.

6. I like being my own boss.

7. I like working with my mom.

Ta looks like I figured it out on my own.  Everything seemed to tie back into art and running my own business.  Now, I knew this wouldn't be a way to live my life without holding another job, but at least I knew what would make me happy.  And it is okay for me to dream about the future, where this business could take me, what I will be making in the future, if people will know who I am in the future.  That is what dreams are for. 

Now, I know exactly who I am and what I want to be (or work towards) and I am not afraid to put in the work to get there.  Without the years of trying to figure this out, I might have never reached this conclusion.  I tried a lot of different things, and they all led me right back to owning my own small art business, and I am happy with that.

My passion is designing, making, and selling my art.  I love working with our customers, and I absolutely love seeing their faces when they see what I have made for them.

They say having Bipolar Disorder makes you more creative.  Well, I completely agree with that.  Maybe this is a positive side of having this difficult disorder...maybe it has given me life.  Maybe it has made me realize who I am and made me stronger in my want to be me. 

Thank you, Bipolar Disorder, for giving me such a creative brain.  You have given me the passion to strive and create new and beautiful work.  Here's to you, and here's to me. 

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